Monday, September 27, 2010

Lecture recess Part I

Although the concept of Spring Break or lecture recess sounds really strange because I practically am on break this whole semester, that's what's been happening since Saturday (3 days ago).I'll be in Cairns/Cape Tribulation during the exciting part of this week with Liz and Katlin but for now, since Katlin is on her class field trip, I've been keeping myself busy with my essay and lab report.Aside from that, I've also been playing around with make up almost daily.I bought a cheap eye-shadow set at Terry White Chemists because I felt like I really should start familiarizing myself with make up.I can't and don't want to depend on professionals and friends to do my make-up for me when I have to be "made-up" for special events...weddings are coming up!Special dinners are coming up as well!Practicing with make up has been really interesting.Well here's some pics of eye-shadow combinations I've come up with:
#1-outter 1/3 of eyelid,#3-inner 1/3 of eyelid,#4-eyebrow line
#17-outer 1/2of eyelid, #15-inner 1/2 of eyelid

#11-inner 1/3 of eyelid, #2-outer 2/3 of eyelid, #3-blending previous colors, along crease,#4-eyebrow line

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