Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Starting to dislike this place

I may sound ungrateful right now but I honestly am so ready to leave Oz only because I hate how rationed everything is and I hate that I can't work but am spending more than I expected.One thing I hate is that they ration our internet usage.REALLY?REALLY?It's a really annoying ration if you ask me because does internet usage really cost that much money to the school?I didn't bring a lot of my textbooks and reference books with me so I am constantly looking up words and looking up biology info so I use up my internet allowance really easily.I don't understand why the hell they have to limit internet usage.We don't do that at home!!!Someone explain to me why JCU does this?It's a really stupid ration if you ask me.

I am also getting sick of the food here.I hate how sometimes they don't even care about how crappy the food is.One night we had some kind of curry that was unpalatable bc it was soooo salty.I'm not talking about pretzel salty.I'm talking about 10x pretzel salty.And other times they've given me stomach flu.And their veggie options are always so yucky.They don't even try to make the veggie dishes similar to the meat options.Sometimes they just boil assorted veggies and serve that.yuck!I am also annoyed at some of the rude staff.I swear some of them really hate their jobs because they can be so rude to us.I am always polite and I clean up after myself but despite that, there's this one woman who I swear hates me.She is so rude!Sometimes I ask her what she is serving and instead of politely answering she says "I didn't label it because it's out there on the menu".Sometimes they don't even update the menu so I stopped looking at it.I wouldn't have been that bothered about it if it hadn't been for her tone.And she makes faces behind our backs.I really enjoyed not seeing her for a while (She took a couple of days off).

I also hate that everything is so expensive here and that I have to pay for copying and printing.grr.We don't have to pay at Oxy.I am paying the same amount here as I would if I were at Oxy.Why am I paying for internet+copying and printing?I'm here on a low budget.It really hurts to spend 20 bucks every 3 days for copying/printing services.

And I could go on but my internet allowance is going down.grrr

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