Sunday, October 24, 2010

Addie's Birthday Dinner/our "United Nations" get together

Well I'm supposed to be doing work right now especially because I was stressing earlier about how I have so much to do in so little time.I trust that God will help me get everything done (see I'm getting better at this).

Tonight the gang celebrated Addie's 21st with a Fajita dinner.It was awesome especially because most of us were there and we ate Mexican food and had a guitar jam session.Laura made her famous 7 layer dip and it was gone within 20 minutes..literally!I had a veggie patty fajita and others had the chicken.It was awesome!I miss spicy Mexican cuisine.We're planning a night out on Tuesday also.I'm excited about trying some new drinks but I'm going to limit myself to 3 so I don't get drunk outta my mind.I have a class the next day.

It's really starting to hit me that I only have one more month in Australia, and less than a month here in Townsville with all of these wonderful people.I am sad to go, especially because I'm going to miss hanging out with everyone and being able to do all of these fun things (with the workload at Oxy I think I'd be committing academic suicide if I went out/hung out as much as I do here) but at the same time I can't wait to go home to Lance and my family.I'm excited about winter break, even though I know I'll probably be working most of the time, because I really can't wait to be at home and not having to worry about deadlines and stuff.

Anyway you're probably wondering wth the United Nations has to do with our dinner get-together.It's more of an inside joke.We discuss anything BUT UN issues (well actually I take that back.We have talked about terrorism and some human rights).The group of people I hang out with, usually during mealtimes, is comprised of a very diverse group of people.Literally we represent 9 countries (US, Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Iran, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Mauritius).I love it!

Lately, I've been thinking more and more about life after undergrad.I'm really excited because it's another step that Lance and I are taking together and also a little relieved because it'll take away some tension about living at home.We still have to do more planning and research but I really hope things work out for us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rhoe,
    Your experience in Australia sounds amazing. It's incredible that you're able to meet so many people from around the world. Also, your rainforest trip sounds great.

    I'd like to invite you to be a guest writer for Pink Pangea (, the first online community for women travelers.

    Pink Pangea's goal is to make travel easier, safer, and more fulfilling for women of all ages. We are looking for adventurous and eloquent women who have spent time abroad to document their experience, while discussing issues that are relevant to women travelers. It would be great if you could write about your experience in Australia.

    Hope to hear from you soon,
