Thursday, November 4, 2010

Studying for exams and excited/sad about leaving

I haven't really been up to much lately except for studying, which is kinda lame but I really want to do well on my exams.

At the same time, I am thinking about how I should be using this time to explore Townsville more thoroughly and spend as much time with everyone as possible, because after today, I'll only have 15 more days in Townsville.Fifteen more days of being in this beautiful place.I admit, I didn't really like it here at first but after I adjusted and sorted some things out with accommodation (that's what they call the office of Residence Life), I've really learned to love this place...well except for the heat.I don't think I'll ever get used to the heat.

One thing I'll miss is all of this nature I see everyday.I know Australia is one of the oldest continents and it has so much biodiversity..but that statement does not do justice for all that I've seen in nature.It brings me peace when I walk around campus and am followed by several butterflies and am stopped by a turkey crossing the sidewalk or a possum scurrying away from me.I don't have that in LA so I would get so excited everytime I'd see another animal.

Another thing I'll miss is having a single.I think this will be the only time ever in my life where I'll have my own room.It's given me a lot of freedom because I can just lounge around when I want to, how I want to,etc.And I don't have to worry about disturbing anyone while I study or when I suddenly break out in song...or when I have emotional conversations with Lance/family.And I don't have to worry about having company when I don't feel like having company.I'll definitely miss this room.

And of course I'll miss everyone here.I think that's what I'll miss the most.All the people I've met here are so wonderful and each has helped me learn at least one new thing about myself.It's also made me feel sort of like an ambassador for the US and Hawaii because there's such a large international presence here...there's people from all over the world, including developing countries and countries at war with one another.With all these things happening around the world, including anti-terrorism policies and stigma towards minority groups, I've realized that it doesn't matter how different I am from everyone else.At Oxy there's a divide between the financially advantaged group and the financially disadvantaged group.Here, everyone treats one another the same.I guess it's partly due to the fact that Australia tries to aim for an egalitarian society.But I really enjoy how I've made friends with people from all over the world and from all social strata.

And now I have to go back to

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